Friday, March 6, 2020

Independence and Confidence are the Key to this Future Engineers Motivation

Independence and Confidence are the Key to this Future Engineers Motivation Independence and Confidence are the Key to this Future Engineers Motivation Shrishant, 12-years-old,MathLevelM Reading Program Completer 12-year-old Shrishant isprepared to take on any challengethat is thrown his way.Whetherhe’scompeting ina schoolspelling bee,enteringa creative writing contest, or evenparticipating inaspeechcompetition, Shrishantalwaysremains confident.Heis dedicated to giveit his all,no matterthe challenge. Confidence and independence have fueled Shrishant’s motivation beyond the classroom.Hecredits Kumon forpaving his path to success. “Kumon has helped mebeyond academics by boosting my confidence in just about anything I do,” saidShrishant. “The ability to study independently allows me to be proactive and assists me in the pursuit of my goals.” Shrishant aspires to become a mechanical engineer.To prepare for his future in engineering,hecompeteson a teamin theFIRST Lego League Robotics Challenge(FLL). The FLLempowersbright students to researchreal-world issuesand developsolutions. The solutions developed by teams include basic STEM applications, critical thinking, presentation skills, andcreativity.In 2017,Shrishant and histeam won the regional competition,andtheycontinue to take pride in their creations. Shrishant’s accomplishments don’t stop there.Hewas one of 56 studentsselected for Kumon’s 3rdAnnual Student Conference in Chicago, Illinois. “I wasoverjoyedand proud of myself when I found out I was selected,” said Shrishant. “The Student Conference was very inspirational, and my favorite part was listening to former Kumon Students.” Shrishantand the rest of the attendees had the opportunity to learn from each other through educational activitiesdesigned tofoster team building, group discussion, critical thinking and creativity. Heshareshighlights from his Kumon journey andrevealswho his inspiration is. What do you enjoy most about Kumon? The thing I enjoy most about Kumon is when Iam working on a new math concept. It’s also so exciting to complete alevel!I feltsucha sense of accomplishment when I completed theKumon Reading Program. How has Kumon helped youacademically? Kumon hashelped me academicallyandI’m now ahead of my peers in school. I can easily understand and grasp concepts quickly. What is the most beneficial thing you’ve learned in Kumon? The most beneficial thing I’ve learned in Kumon is to not procrastinate. Procrastination just leads to more work the next day. Kumon has taught me to remain disciplinedand dedicated to my education. If you could sum up your Kumon experience inone word,what would it be? Inspirational. Who’s your biggest inspiration and why? My biggest inspiration has always beenmy family. My mom, dad, and sister have always supported and motivated me. They give me so many new ideas and I LOVE being around them. They inspire me to do so many things! What was your experience like at the2019 KumonStudent Conference, and what was your favorite part? The Student Conference wassuch an inspiring event. My favorite part was listening to the guest speakers and hearing how Kumon made an impact on their lives. What advicewould you give to kids just starting Kumon? Don’t give up.Yourjourney has just begun. Discover even more student success stories. You might also be interested in: Motivation is the Key to this Kumon Student’s Success Future Programmer Embraces the Value of STEM Education Discover How This Young Student Has Gained Independence in Math Meet Elina, a Dual Program Completer Who Has Developed Independence in Kumon Independence and Confidence are the Key to this Future Engineers Motivation Independence and Confidence are the Key to this Future Engineers Motivation Shrishant, 12-years-old,MathLevelM Reading Program Completer 12-year-old Shrishant isprepared to take on any challengethat is thrown his way.Whetherhe’scompeting ina schoolspelling bee,enteringa creative writing contest, or evenparticipating inaspeechcompetition, Shrishantalwaysremains confident.Heis dedicated to giveit his all,no matterthe challenge. Confidence and independence have fueled Shrishant’s motivation beyond the classroom.Hecredits Kumon forpaving his path to success. “Kumon has helped mebeyond academics by boosting my confidence in just about anything I do,” saidShrishant. “The ability to study independently allows me to be proactive and assists me in the pursuit of my goals.” Shrishant aspires to become a mechanical engineer.To prepare for his future in engineering,hecompeteson a teamin theFIRST Lego League Robotics Challenge(FLL). The FLLempowersbright students to researchreal-world issuesand developsolutions. The solutions developed by teams include basic STEM applications, critical thinking, presentation skills, andcreativity.In 2017,Shrishant and histeam won the regional competition,andtheycontinue to take pride in their creations. Shrishant’s accomplishments don’t stop there.Hewas one of 56 studentsselected for Kumon’s 3rdAnnual Student Conference in Chicago, Illinois. “I wasoverjoyedand proud of myself when I found out I was selected,” said Shrishant. “The Student Conference was very inspirational, and my favorite part was listening to former Kumon Students.” Shrishantand the rest of the attendees had the opportunity to learn from each other through educational activitiesdesigned tofoster team building, group discussion, critical thinking and creativity. Heshareshighlights from his Kumon journey andrevealswho his inspiration is. What do you enjoy most about Kumon? The thing I enjoy most about Kumon is when Iam working on a new math concept. It’s also so exciting to complete alevel!I feltsucha sense of accomplishment when I completed theKumon Reading Program. How has Kumon helped youacademically? Kumon hashelped me academicallyandI’m now ahead of my peers in school. I can easily understand and grasp concepts quickly. What is the most beneficial thing you’ve learned in Kumon? The most beneficial thing I’ve learned in Kumon is to not procrastinate. Procrastination just leads to more work the next day. Kumon has taught me to remain disciplinedand dedicated to my education. If you could sum up your Kumon experience inone word,what would it be? Inspirational. Who’s your biggest inspiration and why? My biggest inspiration has always beenmy family. My mom, dad, and sister have always supported and motivated me. They give me so many new ideas and I LOVE being around them. They inspire me to do so many things! What was your experience like at the2019 KumonStudent Conference, and what was your favorite part? The Student Conference wassuch an inspiring event. My favorite part was listening to the guest speakers and hearing how Kumon made an impact on their lives. What advicewould you give to kids just starting Kumon? Don’t give up.Yourjourney has just begun. Discover even more student success stories. You might also be interested in: Motivation is the Key to this Kumon Student’s Success Future Programmer Embraces the Value of STEM Education Discover How This Young Student Has Gained Independence in Math Meet Elina, a Dual Program Completer Who Has Developed Independence in Kumon

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